CV (short)

CV (short)
CV David Erdos

+3620 382 4997

Barhacs  specialized systemprogrammer, Budapest, Hungary.
Bornemissza Peter secondary school, Budapest, Hungary.

System administrator.
Teaching linux, ECDL & programming
Computer assemble.
CNC programming and CNC teaching.
Database administrator
Leasinged computer.

English talk level
Japanes formal level
Hungaryan mother language

IT skills:
During my education and experiences I worked with the C, C++, Visual Basic, Pascal, Delphi, Assembly, Java,  JavaScript, PHP, NUKE,  HTML, SQL, Win32 API. I have build and administrated Linux, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows.

Good problem solving (solution central).
Fast learning (I like novelty).
Constant and adaptable in group and alone.
Temperate, married, do\'nt smoking

Personal information:
Birth: Budapest, Hungary, 1966
Address: Kakucs, Hungary (25 km from Budapest)
Driving License: Type B
Sport, hobby: Sound technology, photography.